Heavy Mechs

Tough and powerful, heavy mechs can dole out and absorb massive amounts of damage. Only another heavy or assault mech can take on a typical heavy mech.

With the advent of new technology, they are also faster than the hulking behemoths of yesteryear, capable of matching speeds with medium mechs. This speed increase has proven to be the death of more than one medium or light mech pilot.

Bacchus BAC-3C(Pirate Anchor)

Charon CHR-01N(FS Attack)

Defiance DFN-5C(Lyran Attack)

Despayre DSP-2A(Lyran HGR Attack)

Gargouille GAR-4U(Comstar iNarc/C3i Spotter)

Garnet GNT-1(Wolverine Workhorse Heavy Omnimech)

Gere GER-O(Lyran Quad Omnimech)

Highwayman HGW-4P(Pirate Ambusher)

Loup Garou(Mercenary/Wolves Trooper)

Redcoat RDT-16R(FS C3 Commander)

Ronin RON-1N(Draconis Attack)

Sepoy SE-5P(Pirate Attack)

Shen Bing SHB-2G(Capellan Sword Wielder with TC)

Socrates(Clan 2nd Line Attack)

Trojan TRJ-3N(FWL LGR Sniper/Missile Boat)

Frenzy(Clan Omnimech)

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