BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model: Trojan TRJ-3N
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3070
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 2, Standard design
Mass: 60 tons
Chassis: Technicron Type H2 Endo Steel
Power Plant: 240 Pitban Fusion
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
   Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Durallex Heavy Special with CASE Ferro-Fibrous
1 Imperator Light Gauss Rifle
1 Magna Mk VI ER Medium Laser
1 Magna 400P Medium Pulse Laser
1 Doombud LRM 20
Manufacturer:    Technicron Manufacturing
   Location:    Savannah
Communications System:    Garret T-19H
Targeting & Tracking System: Dynatec 2800


Technicron Manufacturing, like so many other firms, was hard hit by the Free Worlds League Civil War. Like them, it also managed to seize advantage of the situation. The Trojan is almost like an upscale version of the Hector, which led observers to suggest that Irian Battlemechs and Technicron had probably shared design plans.
However, analysis of the Trojan and the Hector revealed that the two mechs were actually based on different chassis, and even their design concepts were not the same. The Hector was a harasser design, while the Trojan was a frontline mech.


The Trojan is an excellent long range sniper, with its light gauss rifle and a LRM-20 Doombud rack. The light gauss would punch holes in the enemy armor for the missile rack to exploit. With two tons of ammo for the launcher, the Trojan could sustain bombardment for two full minutes, while the light gauss could hold out for even longer.
Two medium lasers, one extended range, and the other a pulse version, provide some back up firepower. This is barely adequate, however, and commanders frequently place Hunchbacks and other close combat mechs with the Trojan in lances. As a team mech, the Trojan excels.


Trojans are sold to every faction in the shattered Free Worlds League, as long as they have the funds. Fast becoming a common sight in the region, Trojans have even begun to face off against each other on the war torn worlds of the Free Worlds League.

Type/Model: Trojan TRJ-3N
Mass: 60 tons
Equipment:   Crits Mass
Internal Structure: 99 pts Endo Steel 14 3.00
   (Endo Steel Loc: 1 HD, 2 LA, 2 RA, 1 LT, 2 RT, 2 CT, 2 LL, 2 RL)
Engine: 240 6 11.50
   Walking MP: 4    
   Running MP: 6    
   Jumping MP: 0    
Heat Sinks: 10 Double [20] 3 .00
   (Heat Sink Loc: 1 LT)
Gyro:   4 3.00
Cockpit, Life Support, Sensors: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H, R: Sh+UA+LA 15 .00
Armor Factor: 179 pts Ferro-Fibrous 14 10.00
   (Armor Crit Loc: 5 LA, 2 RA, 7 RT)

    Internal Armor
    Structure Value
  Head: 3 9
  Center Torso: 20 29
  Center Torso (Rear):   9
  L/R Side Torso: 14 21/21
  L/R Side Torso (Rear):   7/7
  L/R Arm: 10 18/18
  L/R Leg: 14 20/20

Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Light Gauss Rifle RA 1 32 7 14.00
   (Ammo Loc: 2 RT)
1 ER Medium Laser LA 5   1 1.00
1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 4   1 2.00
1 LRM 20 LT 6 12 7 12.00
   (Ammo Loc: 2 LT)
CASE Equipment: LT     1 .50
TOTALS:   16   78 60.00
Crits & Tons Left:       0 .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 5,737,280 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,256
Cost per BV: 4,567.9
Weapon Value: 1,385 / 1,385 (Ratio = 1.10 / 1.10)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 17; MRDmg = 17; LRDmg = 10
BattleForce2: MP: 4,   Armor/Structure: 4/5
    Damage PB/M/L: 4/3/2,   Overheat: 0
    Class: MH,   Point Value: 13

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