The lords of the battlefield, assault mechs are so fearsome that they can often take on an entire lance of opposing mechs by themselves. Able to sustain incredible amounts of damage, and to inflict even more on their enemies, assault mechs can turn the tide of battle by their very presence.
With advanced technology, assault mechs have further increased their already prodigious firepower. Now capable of vaporizing lighter mechs with a single salvo, assault mechs are more than ever, the kings of ground warfare.
Baldur BLD-4R(Lyran Attack)
Blue Shift BLS-2A(Wobblie TAG/C3i Spotter/Attack)
Cusith CST-4H(Lyran HGR Quad)
Defiler(Clan Assault Omnimech)
Ebon Boa(Clan Assault Omnimech)
Glabrezu GLB-5U(Sniper)
Herald(Clan Garrison)
Iron Cheetah(Clan Assault Omnimech)(from Mechforce)
Jormungand JRG-4N(Gauss Sniper)
Paladin PLD-4N(FS Attack)
Racnarok RAC-5N(Federated Garrison)(Adapted from Cray's original design)
Sphinx SPH-1X(Wobblie Arrow IV Artillery)
Tartarus TRT-4R(HGR with Targeting Computer)
Tian Jiang TJ-3(Capellan Assault)
Typhon TPH-3N(Mercenary C3 Company Commander)
Vigilance VGL-1(Wolverine Workhorse Assault Omnimech)
Warthog WRT-O(Taurian Workhorse Assault Omnimech)